Sunday, September 30, 2001

In approximately five and a half months I will be embarking on the trip of a lifetime. We plan on leaving North Carolina the last week of February. We will be driving out to San Diego with as few stops as possible. We also plan on spending a day in Henderson NV with my older brother.

Lots of people have asked about my training. It is pretty straightforward. I ride my bike every day that I can. I usually ride between 30 and 60 miles at an average pace of 18 miles per hour. Lately I have been logging about 150-200 miles per week. I plan on keeping this regimen until Cycle North Carolina, an annual ride across the state, and then ride about 30 miles a day until the end of the year. In January I will resume some longer rides, gradually building up.

I need your help to make this event a success. Please help me get the word out to people who would like to sponsor this trip. Feel free to print anything you see on my website or e-mails and hand them out. I have a brochure that I have made up to pass out. I would be glad to send you a copy if you are interested in making copies to hand out in your area. Also, it would be great if you could organize a fundraiser in your area. My only request is that you would be sensitive to the rights and privacy of others.

My goal is to raise $50,000.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me. I would love top know that you are interested in this venture.

Thanks for your time, have a great day.

Stephen Janes

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